Today was a gray and rainy day in San Diego. It was a welcome change after a few days of really warm/hot weather. I'll admit it, I'm a wimp. After only 8 years of living in California, I have forgotten how to tolerate warm and muggy weather.
Ryle and I went hunting for garden pests and found 14 caterpillars. I don't know about you, but that seems and excessive number. Most of them were on my kale. We went from zero to 10 in one day!!!!
Ryle thinks that just because we are working in the garden, it's no excuse not to sample to goods. Today he selected green beans and raspberries. Our Scarlett Runner beans are setting a second flush of beans. It's nice to see the green and red in the garden since most of the fall stuff is still so small. The raspberries we planted in the spring are giving us a handful of berries. Enough to satisfy a curious little gardener.
And since it was so gray out, and it is fall.... we decided it was the perfect day to make pumpkin muffins! It's not fall until we have pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting. I assembled all of the ingredients, well, most all of the ingredients. How I had 3 bags of sugar and barely a cup of flour I will never know (I blame my fuzzy brain to the cold meds..... That has to be it, I can't be a scatter brain can I?). And no confectioners sugar for the frosting. Man! I am so not prepared for the baking season. So off to the store we go!
Ryle has to make sure everything is in the right place.
All ingredients mixing. Orange yummy goodness is close.
My assistant.
Muffins are poured.
Frosting made.
Muffins are done and cooling.
And the final product....YUM!!!
It's really too bad I haven't run in 3 weeks due to the cold. Because I really want to inhale about 3 of these. I made due with 1 without frosting (but I got to lick the spoon!).
Happy gardening friends!